Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Postcard Geography

I went to the Postcard Geography site for my tech task. The basis around this site is to "a simple project, offered to classes all over the world via the Internet. Your class commits to exchanging picture postcards (purchased, computer or handmade) with all other participants. This "Class to Class" exchange is appropriate for all ages, for public and private schools, for youth groups and for homeschools. "
I would probably use this project in any of my classes there are a lot of benefits of sending postcards from classroom to classroom:
  • helps literacy in that they have to write messages to corresponding students (you can guide the students of what they should write about to meet other ares of the courses you are doing in your classroom)
  • teach the ettiquitte of witing a letter/postcard
  • stimulate creativity in making the postcard
I think that this site has a very good concept of how we can help children to learn about geography. By having students send postcards around the world to other students it will get them excited about learning where they are sending their postcard to and thus they will want to learn about geography.


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